New Chair appointed to Healthcare Improvement Scotland as current Chair moves to NHS Tayside

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Carole Wilkinson, Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland since 2018, has been appointed by Neil Gray, the Cabinet Secretary for Health, as the Interim Chair of NHS Tayside. Evelyn McPhail has been appointed Interim Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Carole Wilkinson

Speaking of the appointment, Carole said:

“I will miss everyone in Healthcare Improvement Scotland, but I know that the organisation will continue to go from strength to strength. I look forward to working with my new colleagues in NHS Tayside and I will be staying in touch over the coming months with developments in Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

“I am grateful to Evelyn McPhail for stepping up to be Interim Chair and wish her well in the role. At a significant time for the organisation, I have also asked Suzanne Dawson to continue to provide leadership as Chair of the Scottish Health Council and as Vice Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.”

Quote / Testimonial:

“I am grateful to Evelyn McPhail for stepping up to be Interim Chair and wish her well in the role. At a significant time for the organisation, I have also asked Suzanne Dawson to continue to provide leadership as Chair of the Scottish Health Council and as Vice Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland.”

Carole Wilkinson
Chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Evelyn McPhail is currently a non-executive director in Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Chair of the organisation’s Quality and Performance Committee.  Evelyn is also Depute Chair of Fife College and prior to her retirement from the NHS, was the Director of Pharmacy and Medicines at NHS Fife.

Evelyn McPhail

Speaking of her appointment to Interim Chair, Evelyn said:

“Carole has been an inspirational leader in her role as Chair.  I am looking forward to stepping into the role and I am very much hoping to follow her lead and continue to provide the organisation with the same support and guidance in her absence. ”

“I am delighted to be offered and accept the role of interim chair of Healthcare Improvement Scotland and wish to offer the same level of support and guidance to the organisation as Carole has. I look forward to working with all the staff through potentially challenging times ahead but am confident that we can all work together to support the delivery of safe and effective care throughout Scotland.”