Procurement services
Healthcare Improvement Scotland needs to meet legislative requirements. This includes:
- EU Directives on public procurement
- the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014
We also need to meet various other policies and internal governance.
We have procurement services provided by the Scottish Ambulance Service. This is under a shared service arrangement which also includes Health Scotland. For more information, visit the Scottish Ambulance Service’s procurement webpage.
We have a buyer profile on the Public Contracts Scotland website. This is where you will find information about Health Scotland’s procurement. You will find contract notices for us on the Scottish Ambulance Service’s Buyer Profile. Our contracts are clearly marked.
You can view the procurement strategy on this website.
The National Fraud Initiative 2024-2025: Notice to suppliers
We are required by law to protect public funds. To do this, we are participating in the Audit Scotland data matching exercise. This exercise assists us in the prevention and detection of fraud. We may share information with other organisations responsible for public funds. We do this to prevent and detect fraud.
On behalf of the Auditor General for Scotland, Audit Scotland appoints our auditor. They audit our accounts. Audit Scotland is responsible for carrying out data matching exercises. These exercises involve comparing records held by different organisations. This may include personal information.
Data matching lets us identify potentially fraudulent claims and payments. Including personal data in a matching exercise does not mean specific individuals are under suspicion. Any matches found will be investigated. Carrying out this exercise helps organisations ensure records are accurate.
We provide particular sets of data to Audit Scotland for matching. We do this for each exercise. These are set out in Audit Scotland’s instructions.
Audit Scotland use this data in a data matching exercise with statutory authority. This is normally under its powers in Part 2A of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000. It does not need the consent of the individuals concerned under the Data Protection Act 1998.
Data matching by Audit Scotland is subject to a code of practice. The Code of Audit Practice 2021 is available on the Audit Scotland website.
For further information, visit the Audit Scotland website.