Applying for a medicine decision review

Applying for a medicine decision review

Clinicians can apply for reviews under the Peer Approved Clinical (PACS) Tier Two process.  You can make an application when:

  • the medicine you want to use for an individual patient is not accepted by the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) and not available for routine prescription
  • a board rejects a request for the patient to access to the medicine.

A National Review Panel carries out the review. This review replaces each NHS board’s local appeal process. Panel members only consider cases from outside their NHS board.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland  co-ordinates and provides support for the panel. None of our staff take part in the decision making process.

Requesting a review

National review panels meet monthly. We can arrange ad hoc meetings if there is clinical urgency.

You can submit a review request to You need to make the request at least seven working days before each panel meeting date.

Panel meeting dates

14 January 2025: submissions by 7 January 2025

18 February 2025: submissions by 11 February 2025

18 March 2025: submissions by 11 March 2025

Panel findings

The panel will make a finding on:

  • whether the board’s decision is reasonable, based on the evidence provided
  • whether due process has been followed

    If there are grounds for a review of the original decision, the panel will send the case back to the NHS board. The board then convenes a meeting to revisit their decision. This new review panel must take into account the National Review Panel reasoning.

    The final decision is for the NHS board to determine.