This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

Help us develop this work

There are various ways that the general public and professionals can get involved with standards and indicators work.

Standards and indicators are reviewed to make sure they are:

  • fit for purpose
  • effective
  • person centred
  • reflect Scottish Government policy


Feedback on the content of the standards is important to us. This is so we can monitor how effective they are. We welcome input from professionals working in the area of the standards topic. Please contact us with suggestions for improvement or corrections.

Join the development group

When standards are being reviewed or developed, we create a working group including representatives of:

  • health and social care
  • the third sector
  • people with lived experience
  • the Scottish Government
  • organisations specific to the standard topic
  • If you would like to be part of a standards development group please contact the team.

Survey consultation

A consultation process is created as part of the development or review of standards and indicators.

Professionals and the general public are encouraged to give feedback on draft information. This is normally via an online survey. Please contact us if you would like to feedback in a different way.

Organisations or community groups can also organise a focus group which we can facilitate and gather feedback.

Take part in our live consultations.

Getting in touch

Contact the team at