PDS and Care Co-ordination Improvement programme delivery

The improvement programme will launch in May 2025 and run for 12 months.

Programme details

The programme will consist of two cohorts, with eight PDS teams in each cohort over the 1-year programme (16 teams in total)

The programme will launch with a welcome webinar for cohort 1 on 30 April 2025.

Each health and social care partnerships (HSCP) may consider a single PDS team or consider grouping local PDS teams together as a single programme team. We can discuss this with individual PDS leads.

Each team, when assigned to a cohort, will complete a self-assessment. This assessment is based on an adapted version of the PDS Quality Improvement Framework. This will help them understand their system and identify change ideas.

The improvement phase for each cohort will run for six months. There will be some light-touch support for the rest of the year.

Each team will receive quality improvement support to progress their change ideas. The six month improvement phase will include:

  • learning sessions
  • coaching calls
  • opportunities to meet with the other cohort teams

Interactions will mainly be online with the opportunity for site visits.

Our multidisciplinary team will support participating teams to identify, test and spread evidence-based change ideas.


Support includes:

  • one-to-one quality improvement coaching
  • in-person learning sessions
  • site visits from the Focus of Dementia team
  • access to quality improvement expertise in dementia
  • advice on data and measurement, strategic planning and engaging people and families in improvement
  • access to Focus on Dementia’s Learning system and peer networks

Joining criteria

The programme is open to any NHS board and/or health and social care partnership teams. The teams should be seeking to use quality improvement methodology to improve post-diagnostic support services accessed by people living with dementia.

Third sector staff may also join the programme with support from their local health and social care partnership or NHS board.

Teams must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Identify a project team, including a team lead.
  • Have support from your organisation to participate in the programme. This should include support from the relevant executive sponsor and alignment to strategic organisational priorities.
  • Key members of the team must be able to dedicate sufficient time to deliver a quality improvement project over the 12-month duration of the programme. This will include attending a mixture of sessions with our coaching team and time to work on the project within your team.

Selection process

A panel from Healthcare Improvement Scotland will assess all expressions of interest. Teams will be notified of the outcome by 10 April 2025.

Successful teams will attend a welcome session through MS Teams. This session will provide an overview of the programme and support available from us. It will also set out key milestones for participating teams.

A key feature of this session will be to explain the quality improvement process and instructions for the self-assessment period using the PDS quality improvement framework.

Key dates

  • Wednesday 18 February 2025: Programme open to accept expressions of interest.
  • March 2025: Individual calls with interested teams to ask any questions about the programme and complete the expression of interest form.
  • Friday 28 March 2025 at 5pm: Programme closed to expressions of interest.
  • Thursday 10 April 2025: Applicants informed of outcome.
  • Wednesday 30 April between 2–3pm: Welcome session
  • May 2025: First coaching calls to explore self-evaluation findings and to begin to plan.     

More information

Email us at his.focusondementia@nhs.scot if you have a question about the PDS and Care Co-ordination Improvement Programme.