Inspections of healthcare in Scottish police custody centres


Places of detention, including police custody centres within the UK, must be monitored as part of the human rights treaty.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland works with HMICS to manage the healthcare element of inspections of police custody centres in Scotland.

Baseline review and inspection framework

We jointly undertook a baseline exercise to determine the existing provision of healthcare services to people detained within police custody centres across Scotland. The baseline report outlines our findings from this exercise and includes recommendations for improvement as well as areas for good practice:

National baseline review of healthcare provision within police custody centres in Scotland

We have developed a joint framework to inspect healthcare in police custody.

This was developed in collaboration with a short life working group, which underpins our joint inspections with HMICS.

Inspection reports 

Inspection reports will be published on the HMICS website:

HMICS inspection reports (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland website)

Contact the team

For more information on this work, please contact us at:

To express dissatisfaction about HMICS’ actions or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided please visit: HMICS – Complaints

For any concerns relating to healthcare please contact your local NHS board and follow the follow the complaints process outlined on their website.