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National Hub data and guidance for NHS boards and local authorities

We provide support for NHS Scotland boards and local authorities to ensure a consistent when responding to, and reviewing, the death of a child or young person.

Data overview report

We have published the first data overview report. It summarises national child death data from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. This is supplemented by an overview of learning from child death reviews carried out from the National Hub data collection.

Read our Data overview report: March 2024

Implementation leads

All organisations must have a nominated an implementation lead. These leads will support communication with the National Hub and each other.

We host national meetings to ensure leads are engaged and learning from each other. We want to develop a supportive relationship with NHS boards and local authorities. Successful implementation will need co-operation from everyone.

If you would like to find out who your local partner contacts are please contact the National Hub team.

National guidance when a child or young person dies

We worked with stakeholders on guidance for reviewing the deaths of children and young people in Scotland. It sets out the process NHS boards and local authorities should use. It should be followed when responding to, and reviewing, the death of a child or young person.

National guidance when a child or young person dies: October 2021

National Hub core review data set

We have worked with key stakeholders to develop a core review data set with associated methodology and guidance. This data is for use by NHS boards and local authorities. It is to be used when reviewing deaths of children and young people.

Forms and guidance for use by NHS boards and local authorities.

Online portal

We have also developed an online portal. This is where data from the core review data set can be securely inputted. This is to be done once the review into the death of a child or young person is complete. The data set should be completed following the deaths of all children and young people. This is regardless of what other existing review processes have been followed.

Contact us

If you would like more information on this work, or to find out your NHS board or local authority contact, please contact the National Hub team on