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Professional judgement tool user guide: March 2024

The Professional Judgement (PJ) tool is part of the national triangulation process for nursing and midwifery workload planning for the Healthcare Staffing Programme.

Community children’s and children’s specialist nurse (CCSN) staffing level tool user guide: March 2024

Community children’s and children’s specialist nurse (CCSN) staffing level tool user guide

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) staffing level tool: March 2024

Healthcare Staffing Programme toolkit for Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) staffing levels

Community nursing (CN) staffing level tool: March 2024

The Healthcare staffing programme The Community nursing (CN) tool is designed to be used by district, health visiting, public health and school nurses.

Adult in Patient (AiT) Staffing Level Tool – March 2024

Healthcare Staffing Programme toolkit for Adult in Patient (AiT) Staffing

Golden Jubilee University National Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: February 2024

Safe delivery of care inspection report for the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital, NHS Golden Jubilee. Published February 2024

Neonatal mortality review: February 2024

Neonatal mortality review: understanding factors which may have contributed to the national increase in neonatal mortality in Scotland during 2021/22. Published February 2024

A new start for our website

An update on the development plans for this new website

2024 Committee minutes

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s committee meetings and minutes for 2024

2024 Board meetings papers and minutes

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s board meetings and minutes for 2024