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Udston Hospital and Beckford Lodge – Infection prevention and control in mental health services inspection: December 2023

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) carried out an unannounced inspection to Udston Hospital and Beckford Lodge, NHS Lanarkshire on Tuesday 26 September 2023.

Congenital heart disease standards

Standards for congenital heart disease. Published November 2023.

We are redeveloping our corporate website

We are redeveloping our corporate website. Redevelopment allows us to offer you a better experience. What does this mean for […]

Improving care for people with dementia and their carers

An estimated 90,000 people are living with dementia in Scotland, with that number expected to increase to 164,000 by 2036. […]

NCMAG role in cancer medicine governance

A diagram which explains NCMAG’s role and place in cancer governance.

Annual report and accounts: 2022-2023

The document presents the annual report and accounts of Healthcare Improvement Scotland in 2022 – 2023.

Joint inspection of adult services in the Midlothian partnership: November 2023

Joint inspection of adult services in the Midlothian partnership report. Published November 2023.

Borders General Hospital – infection prevention and control in mental health services inspection report: November 2023

Infection prevention and control in mental health services inspection report for Borders General Hospital, NHS Borders. Published November 2023.

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulation – inspection methodology

This document sets out our methodology for the inspection of IR(ME)R services. Published November 2023.

University Hospital Crosshouse – IR(ME)R inspection report: October 2023

IR(ME)R inspection report for Crosshouse Hospital, NHS Ayrshire and Arran. Published October 2023.