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Hospital at Home

If you have experienced an overnight stay in hospital, you can probably relate to the feeling of wanting to be […]

Rohallion Secure Care Clinic – infection prevention and control in mental health services inspection report: August 2023

Infection prevention and control in mental health services inspection report for Rohallion Secure Care Clinic, NHS Tayside. Published in August 2023.

Gartnavel General Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: July 2023

Safe delivery of care inspection report for Gartnavel General Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Published July 2023.

NCMAG110 Abiraterone acetate advice document: July 2023

NCMAG110 Abiraterone acetate advice document: July 2023

NCMAG109 Pemetrexed plus cisplatin advice document: July 2023

NCMAG109 Pemetrexed plus cisplatin advice document: July 2023

Borders General Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: July 2023

IR(ME)R inspection report for Borders General Hospital, NHS Borders. Published July 2023.

Ninewells Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: July 2023

Safe delivery of care inspection report for Ninewells Hospital, NHS Tayside. Published July 2023.

Independent healthcare regulation – provider handbook

This handbook sets out how we regulate independent healthcare services. Published July 2023.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland quality framework

Reference guide to support and inform reflection, evaluation and decision making about how best to improve outcomes for users of services. Published July 2023.

Independent healthcare regulation – inspection methodology

Our methodology for the inspection of independent healthcare services. Published July 2023.