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Forth Valley Royal Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: December 2022

Safe delivery of care inspection report for Forth Valley Royal Hospital, NHS Forth Valley. Published December 2022

Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) person-centred design and improvement programme (PCDI): December 2022

This template is designed to guide teams through assessing the impact of their work under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

National hub core review data set forms and guidance

National hub core review data sets forms and guidance. Our forms and guidance are for use by NHS boards and local authorities, when reviewing deaths of children and young people.

Joint inspection of adult support and protection in the North Lanarkshire partnership: November 2022

Joint inspection of adult support and protection in the North Lanarkshire partnership. Published November 2022.

Optimising capacity in health systems under pressure

Summary These are the learnings from tools and the techniques used during the establishment of NHS Louisa Jordan. This was […]

Safe Delivery of Care inspections of acute hospitals – Findings letter to NHS boards: November 2022

Update on Safe Delivery of Care acute hospital inspections.

Joint inspection of adult services in the Fife partnership: November 2022

Joint inspection of adult services in the Fife partnership report. Published November 2022.

Operating Framework: Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government

This framework sets out how Healthcare Improvement Scotland will work with and the Scottish Government.

Independent healthcare regulation – media engagement guidance

Media engagement guidance for independent healthcare services. Published November 2023

Independent healthcare regulation – Regulation 12 information for services

Clarification of the interpretation of Regulation 12 of The Healthcare Improvement Scotland (Requirements as to Independent Health Care Services) Regulations 2011. Published November 2022.