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The Edinburgh Clinic – IR(ME)R inspection report: May 2022

IR(ME)R inspection report for The Edinburgh Clinic. Published May 2022.

Code of conduct

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s latest code of conduct. Published 07 May 2022

Independent healthcare regulation – privacy notice

Privacy notice for our work to regulate independent healthcare. Published May 2022.

The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: May 2022

Safe delivery of care inspection report for The Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Published May 2022

NHS Scotland participation in the scheme created by the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Act 2021

NHS Scotland acknowledge the wrongfulness of historical child abuse, and the harm this caused to survivors.

Safe Delivery of Care inspections of acute hospitals – Findings letter to NHS boards: April 2022

Safe Delivery of Care inspections of acute hospitals

Spire Murrayfield Hospital (Edinburgh) and Shawfair Park Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: April 2022

IR(ME)R inspection report for Spire Murrayfield Hospital (Edinburgh) and Shawfair Park Hospital. Published April 2022

Declarations of interest: definitions and policies for handling of interests at meetings

Summary We are to open declaration of competing interests in all our activities. All persons involved in the production of […]

University Hospital Monklands – safe delivery of care inspection report: March 2022

Safe delivery of care inspection report for University Hospital Monklands, NHS Lanarkshire. Published March 2022

Joint inspection of adult services – integration and outcomes – Quality Improvement Framework

Quality Improvement Framework for joint inspections of adult services. Published March 2022.