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Prevention and management of pressure ulcers standards

Prevention and management of pressure ulcers standards. Published October 2020.

St John’s Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: October 2020

IR(ME)R inspection report for St John’s Hospital, NHS Lothian. Published October 2020.

St John’s Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: October 2020

IR(ME)R inspection report for St John’s Hospital, NHS Lothian. Published October 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – practising privileges – checklist for clinics

A checklist of points to consider or tasks to undertake before granting practising privileges. Published October 2020.

Victoria Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: September 2020

IR(ME)R inspection report for Victoria Hospital, NHS Fife

Request our advice

Summary To ensure we give you the best advice possible on health and social care issues, we’ve developed a process […]

Independent healthcare regulation – QoC self-evaluation guidance

A practical guide for undertaking self-evaluation against Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Quality Assurance Framework. Published July 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – financial guidance

Guidance on the financial requirements related to independent healthcare service registration. Published May 2020.

Golden Jubilee National Hospital – IR(ME)R inspection report: March 2020

IR(ME)R inspection report for Golden Jubilee National Hospital, NHS National Waiting Times Centre. Published March 2020.

Healthcare and forensic medical services indicators

Healthcare and forensic medical services indicators. Published March 2020