Ageing and frailty standards

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We have developed standards for ageing and frailty in Scotland. The standards draw on current evidence from:

  • improvement work
  • lived experience
  • best practice
  • stakeholder recommendations

Overview of standards

Standard 1: Organisations have systems in place to identify older people living with frailty at the earliest opportunity.

Standard 2: Older people living with frailty experience coordinated multidisciplinary support that is responsive to changes in their life, health and care.

Standard 3: Unpaid carers and care partners are valued, supported and trained to continue providing care.

Standard 4: Older people living with frailty are supported to keep active to maintain and improve mobility, independence and function.

Standard 5: Older people living with frailty are supported to eat and drink and receive specialist input if required.

Standard 6: Older people living with frailty receive early assessment and proactive management of bladder and bowel issues.

Standard 7: Older people living with frailty are prescribed medicines which are safe, effective and person centred.

Standard 8: Older people living with frailty are empowered to live well throughout their life, maximise enjoyment and die comfortably.

Standard 9: Older people living with frailty have their mental health needs addressed.

Standard 10: Older people living with frailty who experience a sudden change in their health can access timely, coordinated and consistent support.

Standard 11: When in hospital, older people living with frailty receive safe, effective and person-centred care.