This is a new service – your feedback will help us to improve it.

Annual delivery plan 2023 – 2024

Details of how we will deliver our work against our strategic objectives in 2023- 2024

Healthcare Improvement Scotland quality framework

Reference guide to support and inform reflection, evaluation and decision making about how best to improve outcomes for users of services. Published July 2023.

Children’s rights and corporate parenting joint report 2020-2023

The report explains Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s role as a Corporate Parent. It details how our work over the past three years has supported Children’s Rights.

Leading quality health and care for Scotland: Our strategy 2023–2028

Healthcare Improvement Scotland strategy document, that sets out our priorities for 2023 – 2028

Healthcare Improvement Scotland register of interests and gifts of hospitality 2023-2024

The register of interests for 2023-2024 of the Healthcare Improvement Scotland Board.

Freedom of information: expenditure information

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s freedom of information: expenditure information documentation.

Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) – What happens next?

Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) – What happens next? – Information for parents and relatives who have experienced the sudden and unexpected death of a loved one leaflet: March 2023

Independent Oversight and Assurance Group on Tayside’s Mental Health Services

A summary of Healthcare Improvement Scotland support activity with Tayside’s Mental Health Services. The report covers our activities since February 2020.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland guide to information

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s guide to information 2023.

2022 Committee minutes

Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s committee meetings and minutes for 2022