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Community children’s and children’s specialist nurse (CCSN) staffing level tool user guide: March 2024

Community children’s and children’s specialist nurse (CCSN) staffing level tool user guide

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) staffing level tool: March 2024

Healthcare Staffing Programme toolkit for Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) staffing levels

Community nursing (CN) staffing level tool: March 2024

The Healthcare staffing programme The Community nursing (CN) tool is designed to be used by district, health visiting, public health and school nurses.

Adult in Patient (AiT) Staffing Level Tool – March 2024

Healthcare Staffing Programme toolkit for Adult in Patient (AiT) Staffing

Improving care for people with dementia and their carers

An estimated 90,000 people are living with dementia in Scotland, with that number expected to increase to 164,000 by 2036. […]

Optimising capacity in health systems under pressure

Summary These are the learnings from tools and the techniques used during the establishment of NHS Louisa Jordan. This was […]

How to keep safe when getting medicines or treatment online leaflet

An information leaflet for the public on how to keep safe when getting medicines or treatment online. Published December 2020.