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Independent healthcare regulation – annual returns guidance for providers

Information for service providers on submitting your annual return to us. Published February 2024.

Independent healthcare regulation – Adverse events – What to include in SAER

Recommended aspects to include in adverse event review report template. Published February 2024.

Independent healthcare regulation – Pre-registration form

Pre-registration form for independent healthcare services. Published February 2024.

NCMAG112 Pazopanib advice document January 2024

NCMAG112 Pazopanib advice document January 2024

NCMAG111 Sunitinib advice document: January 2024

NCMAG111 Sunitinib advice document: January 2024

Framework to inspect healthcare provision within police custody centres

Framework to inspect healthcare provision within police custody centres. Published January 2024

Independent healthcare (IHC) complaints procedure

Procedure document which outlines how we deal with complaints about independent healthcare (IHC) services. Published January 2024.

NCMAG role in cancer medicine governance

A diagram which explains NCMAG’s role and place in cancer governance.

Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulation – inspection methodology

This document sets out our methodology for the inspection of IR(ME)R services. Published November 2023.

NCMAG107 Dabrafenib plus trametinib advice document: October 2023

NCMAG107 Dabrafenib plus trametinib advice document: October 2023