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Independent healthcare regulation – high level principles for remote prescribing

This document sets out the shared high-level principles of good practice expected of everyone when consulting and or prescribing remotely. Published May 2022.

Independent healthcare regulation – self-evaluation tool

This self-evaluation tool is for information only. The self-evaluation must be completed and submitted through Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s online portal. Published May 2023

NCMAG108 Vinorelbine advice document: April 2023

NCMAG108 Vinorelbine advice document: April 2023

Significant Accidental Unintended Exposure – criteria for making a notification

This guidance tells you which accidental or unintended exposure to ionising radiation incidents you need to report to us. Published: April 2023

Reporting a SUDI to the Procurator Fiscal

Reporting a sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) to the Procurator Fiscal: published March 2023

SUDI checklist for nurses

Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) checklist for nurses: published March 2023

SUDI checklist for doctors

Checklist of practical tasks that medical staff may undertake after a sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI).

NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines

List of NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines and form for a new request. Published in March 2023

Frailty: Impact, causes and prevention

Frailty, the result of the interplay of age, chronic disease and fitness, has the potential to truly disrupt someone’s life, […]

Mental health units: inspection methodology

This document sets out the methodology that we will use to carry out infection prevention and control inspections of mental health units in Scotland. Published February 2023.