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Independent healthcare regulation – privacy notice

Privacy notice for our work to regulate independent healthcare. Published May 2022.

Joint inspection of adult services – integration and outcomes – Quality Improvement Framework

Quality Improvement Framework for joint inspections of adult services. Published March 2022.

Learning from adverse events through reporting and review – A national framework for Scotland

Fourth edition of the Learning from adverse events national framework document. Published January 2022.

National guidance when a child or young person dies

We developed guidance for reviewing the deaths of children and young people in Scotland.

Steroid emergency card to support early recognition and treatment of adrenal crisis in adults

Steroid card, guidance and overview letter for healthcare professionals. Published July 2021.

Independent healthcare regulation – enforcement policy

Information on our approach to enforcement in the regulation of independent healthcare services. Published December 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – practising privileges – checklist for clinics

A checklist of points to consider or tasks to undertake before granting practising privileges. Published October 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – QoC self-evaluation guidance

A practical guide for undertaking self-evaluation against Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Quality Assurance Framework. Published July 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – financial guidance

Guidance on the financial requirements related to independent healthcare service registration. Published May 2020.

Independent healthcare regulation – duty of candour template for providers

Information for service providers on the ‘duty of candour’ and your legal obligations. Published January 2020.