Category: Process guidance
SUDI checklist for doctors
Checklist of practical tasks that medical staff may undertake after a sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI).
NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines
List of NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines and form for a new request. Published in March 2023
Frailty: Impact, causes and prevention
Frailty, the result of the interplay of age, chronic disease and fitness, has the potential to truly disrupt someone’s life, […]
Mental health units: inspection methodology
This document sets out the methodology that we will use to carry out infection prevention and control inspections of mental health units in Scotland. Published February 2023.
Independent healthcare regulation fees information booklet: 2023-24
Summary Independent healthcare services fees information for 2023-24. Documents
National baseline review of healthcare provision within police custody centres in Scotland
National baseline review of healthcare provision within police custody centres in Scotland. Published January 2023.
NCMAG105 Trastuzumab advice document: January 2023
NCMAG105 Trastuzumab advice document: January 2023
NCMAG104 Carfilzomib advice document: January 2023
NCMAG104 Carfilzomib advice document: January 2023
NCMAG102 Abiraterone advice document: January 2023
NCMAG102 Abiraterone advice document: January 2023
National hub core review data set forms and guidance
National hub core review data sets forms and guidance. Our forms and guidance are for use by NHS boards and local authorities, when reviewing deaths of children and young people.