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Independent healthcare regulation – Records required by Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Summary Details of records that must be kept by all independent healthcare service providers at all times. Documents

Independent healthcare regulation – medicines governance audit tool

Medicines governance audit tool to support the registration of independent clinics in Scotland. Published March 2019.

Pre‑health technology assessment free of charge pricing scheme guidance

Guidance and process documents for pre‑health technology assessment free of charge pricing scheme. Published February 2019

Independent healthcare regulation – practising privileges principles

Summary of the key legal and regulatory issues that arise when an independent provider is engaging staff through a practising privileges arrangement. Published November 2016.

Independent healthcare regulation – definitions of procedures

Our definition of cosmetic procedures graded by risk. Published September 2016.

Peer Approved Clinical System (PACS) patient information leaflet

Patient leaflet to explain the Peer Approved Clinical System (PACS) tier two process. Published June 2018

Open and transparent decision making in medicines governance: Policy templates for ADTCs

Template to help ADTCs produce a policy statement. Published August 2016

Independent healthcare regulation – policy template

Template and guidance on writing policies for your independent healthcare service. Published May 2016.

Independent healthcare regulation – bank reference template

An example bank reference template to support your independent healthcare service registration. Published March 2016.

Independent healthcare regulation – registration background checks

Guidance on the background checks we will make as part of our independent healthcare service registration process. Published March 2016.