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NCMAG role in cancer medicine governance

A diagram which explains NCMAG’s role and place in cancer governance.

Health economic considerations in NCMAG decision making

Summary Overview document for health economic considerations for NCMAG council decision making process Documents

Hospital at Home

If you have experienced an overnight stay in hospital, you can probably relate to the feeling of wanting to be […]

Delivering the best care to people living with stroke

It is estimated that as many as 15,000 people in Scotland have a stroke each year. The ways in which […]

Supporting families in Scotland with the child death review process

This leaflet contains clear information about the review process when a child dies

Improving access to Primary Care

Winter is the busiest time for our NHS and social care services and it’s no secret that they’re under tremendous […]

Private healthcare: regulation, patient safety and the future

Cosmetic procedures, carried out to improve how people look, are becoming increasingly popular. As the number of people opting for […]

Joint inspection of adult services in the South Ayrshire partnership: March 2023

Joint inspection of adult services in the South Ayrshire partnership report. Published March 2023.

Title: Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) – staff support leaflet

Sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) – staff support leaflet published in March 2023

Domestic homicide review workshop report

Report from A Domestic Homicide Review Taskforce workforce workshop: March 2023