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NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines

List of NHS Scotland agreed list of pre-labelled medicines and form for a new request. Published in March 2023

Independent healthcare regulation – Regulation 12 information for services

Clarification of the interpretation of Regulation 12 of The Healthcare Improvement Scotland (Requirements as to Independent Health Care Services) Regulations 2011. Published November 2022.

Forth Valley Royal Hospital – safe delivery of care inspection report: June 2022

Safe delivery of care inspection report for Forth Valley Royal Hospital, NHS Forth Valley. Published June 2022.

Steroid emergency card to support early recognition and treatment of adrenal crisis in adults

Steroid card, guidance and overview letter for healthcare professionals. Published July 2021.

Request our advice

Summary To ensure we give you the best advice possible on health and social care issues, we’ve developed a process […]

Pre‑health technology assessment free of charge pricing scheme guidance

Guidance and process documents for pre‑health technology assessment free of charge pricing scheme. Published February 2019