Cervical screening standards

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The Scottish Cervical Screening Programme (SCSP), is a population-based screening programme. It aims to reduce mortality and incidence rates from cervical cancer.

We have developed standards to support cervical screening services in Scotland.

These standards draw on current evidence, best practice and stakeholder recommendations.

Overview of standards

Standard 1: Cervical screening invitation
Routine cervical screening is offered to all eligible women aged between 25 and 64 every five years. 

Standard 2: Screening appointment Cervical screening is safe, effective, person centred and trauma informed.  

Standard 3: Laboratory services 
Cervical screening samples are processed in line with nationally agreed standards and protocols. 

Standard 4: Cervical screening result
Cervical screening test results are accurate and reported in a timely manner. 

Standard 5: Colposcopy
NHS boards ensure timely access to safe and effective colposcopy services.